Saturday, December 19, 2009

Open House Pics

Just a few pics of a few DA fans drooling over the new guitars from Uganda. Sal,Sam, Bruno, Dave McKay and Paul were just a few who made the trip out to Port Kells for an afternoon of jammin'.

This weekend, I took a couple guitars to some retail outlets in the lower mainland for the first time to see if we could find a new home for them before Christmas. Tapestry Music in White Rock, and Rufus Guitars in Vancouver are now helping to sell DA guitars! In the new year, we'll also have a few online stores selling them.

In other news, does anybody else get blue around Christmas, or is it just me?? I hate the cold, the dark, the never ending night... yuuch. Wake me up when December ends.

Do you have your DA t-shirt? if not, we ought to get you into one... they are going fast!

1 comment:

AlexToney said...

Hey how do you know Sal?? He was my first guitar teacher! Ha!